Do Your New Recruits Leave Within Six Months? How The HR Practice Can Help

Do Your New Recruits Leave Within Six Months? How The HR Practice Can Help

Do Your New Recruits Leave Within Six Months? How The HR Practice Can Help 

High turnover among new recruits is a common issue for many businesses. When new hires frequently leave within their first six months, it can create a constant cycle of recruitment and training, team dynamic disruption, and can cost the business considerably. So, why does this happen, and how can The HR Practice help you address these issues? 

Common Reasons for Early Departure

Poor Onboarding Experience

A lack of a structured and engaging onboarding process often leaves new employees feeling lost and unsupported. It's not just about paperwork; new hires need to understand their role, the company's culture, and feel welcomed from the start. A strong onboarding experience is crucial, and if this is lacking, new recruits might quickly become disengaged with the role.

Mismatched Job Expectations

If there's a disconnect between what the job was advertised as and the reality, it can lead to dissatisfaction. Misunderstandings about the role, responsibilities, or company culture can make new hires feel they’ve made a mistake. Clarity and transparency during the hiring process are essential, yet often overlooked.

Feeling Disconnected

New employees often leave because they feel isolated or not part of the team. A sense of belonging is important, and without it, even the most capable new hires might struggle to find their place in the company. Team integration and a welcoming culture are key.

Lack of Development Opportunities

If new recruits don't see a clear path for growth within the company, they may start looking elsewhere. Ambitious individuals want to know that there are opportunities to advance, and without these, they might not feel inclined to stay long-term.

How The HR Practice can Help

At The HR Practice, we understand these challenges and offer tailored solutions to help businesses retain their new hires. 

Comprehensive Onboarding Solutions

We can help design and implement a thorough onboarding process that makes new recruits feel supported and valued from day one. From induction programmes to mentorship setups, we ensure your new hires start off on the right foot.

Clear Communication and Expectations  

We assist in refining your recruitment and communication strategies to ensure potential employees have a clear and accurate understanding of the role and company culture. This helps to set the right expectations and prevents early disappointments. 

Enhancing Company Culture

Our experts can guide you in creating an inclusive and engaging company environment. We help develop initiatives that make all employees, especially new ones, feel like they belong and are part of a cohesive team.

Development and Growth Pathways

We work with you to identify and implement clear career development opportunities within your organisation. Whether through training programmes or career progression planning, we ensure your employees see a future with your company.


If your business is facing issues with new hires leaving early, don't let it continue to drain your resources and affect morale. Contact The HR Practice today. We can help you build a robust HR framework that not only attracts top talent but also keeps them engaged and committed. Let us help you transform these challenges into opportunities for growth and stability. 


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